At Happy Hares Nursery at Upper Arley CofE Primary school we aim to educate the whole child and to ensure children are happy, healthy and fulfil their potential in terms of development of skills for life, social and moral values and academic success.

In order to develop well rounded, happy children, Happy Hares Nursery offers:

• A small family feel nursery, where children are at the centre of all we do.

• Stimulating and creative play, with a focus on Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Communication and Language.

• Opportunities to develop these skills in the outdoors as well as the indoors.

• Weekly Forest School led by an experienced Forest School Leader.

• Experienced Early Years practitioners.

• Strong links between Nursery and the Foundation Stage classroom, to aid transition into Reception at Upper Arley seamlessly.

• Stimulating and inviting outdoor area, which is used daily for learning and continuous provision.

• Opportunities to develop a healthy lifestyle with exercise, outdoor play and lots of action songs and dancing.

• Wrap around care in the Happy Hares Before and After School Club.

Our Early Years curriculum offers stimulating and creative play with a focus on the Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Communication and Language areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum as set out by the Department for Education.

Our Day

• 7.30-8.30am Breakfast Club- wrap around care provided by Happy Hares wrap around care and supported by Upper Arley staff- chargeable (see separate booking form to include wrap around care), then delivered to Nursery for 8.30am

• 8.30-11.30am Session 1- funded hours

• 11.30am-12pm Lunchtime- Children bring a packed lunch to eat during this time – chargeable (see booking form)

• 12pm-3pm Session 2- funded hours

• 3pm – 6pm- After Nursery club- wrap around care provided by ‘Happy Hares Wrap Around Care’ supported by Nursery and Upper Arley staff – chargeable (see separate booking form to include wrap around care)

Foundation Stage Curriculum

This is the curriculum for children prior to and including the reception year in school. The focus is on ensuring children develop in a safe environment that supports their well-being, social skills and increased personal independence. Skills and knowledge are developed through relevant and enjoyable play and experiences.

Children have the opportunity to experience:

• Forest School – in our Forest School area, where children den build, create toys and art from natural materials, run, balance and climb and cook on fires in the outdoors, our favourite is toast.

• Outdoor play – mixing and making in the mud kitchen, large drawings in the sheltered outdoor area with chalk and an easel to paint on.

• Indoor play – using role play to explore the familiar world and engage in creative activities such as painting and junk modelling.

• Storytime and teaching sessions – opportunities to engage with quality texts, learn rhymes and poems and play with language as well as developing fine motor through WriteDance and ‘Dough Disco’, Maths, Phonics, Communication and Language and the all-important ‘listening’ ready for school.

• Singing and music – exploring their sense of rhythm and enjoyment of diverse types of music as well as a weekly music session with the reception children.

Please contact Happy Hares for further details via email at We look forwards to hearing from you.