Here at Upper Arley C of E Primary School we recognise everyone as a child of God and through sharing this knowledge, we encourage all to grow in their learning so that everyone can achieve and flourish in all they do.

“I can do all this through Christ because he gives me strength”  Philippians 4:13

God created everyone in his image, and we are all his children.  His ultimate aim is for us to grow and succeed in everything we do as his children.  It is through the strength that Christ gives that we are able to overcome all challenges and to achieve and flourish in all that we do.

The apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:13- ‘’ I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength”. We at Upper Arley, are one community. Through our Christian school values, with God’s guidance, we endeavour to support our children to make thoughtful and respectful choices both inside and outside the classroom. 

We have developed a carefully planned and resourced curriculum that is matched to our mixed-age year groups, to allow all our pupils to develop transferable skills, enjoy opportunities beyond the classroom and raise aspirations.  Our engaging curriculum is reflective of our deeply rooted Christian values and reflects our school’s appreciation of diversity and inclusivity. Through this we aim to widen children’s experiences, both spiritually and intellectually. Making the most of our unique setting, we help our children to appreciate and be thankful for the varied and wonderful world in which we live. Our ultimateaim is to instil our children with the courage to be the very best that they can be, as children of God, living a happy and fulfilling life. 

Within the Family of Upper Arley we are all God’s children. Through our Christian Faith, our LEARNING ensures that our curriculum offers inspiration for all our pupils, creating a lifelong love of learning and a belief in limitless opportunities. 

With God’s strength, we aim to help all our children to thrive, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone to achieve their full potential. At Upper Arley we recognise that achievements come in many guises. Through a culture of positive learning attitudes, growth mindset and our superpowers for learning we look to celebrate each child’s individual talents. With God’s guidance, we help our children by GROWING and developing their individual talents and the appetite for being the best they can be. 

Through the strength that Christ enables, we recognise that we are all unique. Here at Upper Arley we encourage all our children to develop a love of learning. Through carefully tailored provision, we ensure our children are prepared for the next steps in their journey through life. We recognise everyone as a child of God and through His love, SHARING this knowledge, we equip our children with the skills they need to flourish and be happy as they enter the wider community as responsible citizens.