
At Upper Arley C of E Primary School we aim for Design and Technology as a subject to be inspiring, rigorous and most of all practical. Through design technology, we encourage children to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team. We encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real life and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. We provide pupils with the opportunities to design and make products with a purpose in mind. Through our cross curricular approach, we provide children with the opportunities to draw upon subject knowledge and skills within Mathematics, Science, History, PSHE, Computing and Art.

At Upper Arley, there is a focus on developing language which enables children to fully express their ideas with the use of subject specific vocabulary; children are able to critique and evaluate both their own and the work of others, showing tolerance and respect. Children learn to take risks, be reflective, innovative, enterprising and resilient. Through the evaluation of past and present technology, they can reflect upon the impact of Design Technology on everyday life and the wider world.

We want children to be inspired to be designers, engineers, animators, CAD designers and architects.


As a school and in accordance with the National Curriculum’s expectations, we aim to ensure that all pupils:

  • Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  • Become proficient in drawing painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms

As a Trust, we collaboratively plan DT projects, which run concurrently for all year groups.  At the end of these topics, the pupils demonstrate the skills they have learnt by producing a final product fit for purpose. Along the way, the pupils will have to problem solve, work as a team or develop their independence and show resilience when evaluating and refining their product throughout the design process.

DT Curriculum Road Map