Admissions and Transfers

We welcome informal visits from prospective parents and children to view the school and to speak to the children and the staff. If you feel that you would like to visit us, please telephone the school office for an appointment on 01299 861260.

Whether or not you live in the school catchment area, all admissions are made subject to the Worcestershire LA Admissions Policy which is available at:

Starting School – New Reception intake for children aged 4 years

In order to enable all children to have the opportunity of three terms of reception age education before entering Year 1, in accordance with the County Admissions Policy, we offer a single point of entry in September in the year in which they become five.

Admissions for a place in Reception should be made through the Local Authority. If you are a parent or carer and wish to apply for a place for your child, you will need to complete a common application form available on and return it to your local authority which in the majority of cases will be Worcestershire. Please contact the school to make an appointment to enquire about availability and to view the school.

During the Summer Term we offer the opportunity to all September starters in the Reception Year to come into school for ‘Story Time’ once a week and for two consecutive mornings as well as ‘Stay and play’ opportunities. This gives the children an insight into school life and the security of knowing where to hang their coats, where their classroom is and some knowledge of school routines.

In July, there are two transition mornings, where the children have the opportunity to spend time in their new class. During an afternoon in the first few weeks (of July), you may be offered the opportunity for a ‘home visit’, where the class teacher and teaching assistant will visit your home and take the opportunity to have an informal discussion with you and your child while they are in their own environment.

In-Year transfer arrangements

Parents/carers seeking to transfer to a school that does not involve a house move, or where there is no need for an immediate move, need to be aware that any date set for joining the new school may be after the next term or half-term holiday and that parents/carers are responsible for ensuring their child continues to receive the appropriate education in the interim.

Is there a waiting list for schools that have too many applicants?

Waiting lists for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, are maintained by the Schools Admissions Section and parents need to apply in order to be included. These waiting lists will be maintained until the end of the autumn term.  At that stage they will be discarded and parents will need to reapply at the start of the following term if they wish to be included.

Waiting lists for Academy, Foundation, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools are maintained by the individual schools and parents will need to contact the schools directly in order to be included.  Parents must consult the individual schools for details on the waiting list procedure.