
We send out a warm welcome to all our school families. We use this page to keep everyone informed of our different events throughout the school year.

The Friends of Upper Arley C of E Primary School are a group of parents, teachers & members of the community who support our school through a variety of events. We raise valuable additional funds for school and provide further opportunities for parents to be more involved in school life.

What we do:

  • raise funds to help the school provide resources and extras for the children.
  • help run popular social events for parents and children.
  • provide support for school events & activities.

What can I do?

There are lots of ways you can help. All offers of help & suggestions are valuable to us, be it ideas for events, volunteering or sponsorship/ donating prizes/ etc.


We hold informal meetings throughout the year. There is no need to commit to any particular task. Please look out for the date of the next meeting, which will advertised in the school newsletter and on this page. If you’d like to learn more, please contact the School Office or contact them by email on friends@upperarleycofeschool.org.

You will find the Chairperson’s report from our recent AGM below.

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