Meet our Teachers!

In Robins we are curious Casey’s when it comes to reading. We love reading different genres of books and let our imaginations take us to new destinations. In Robins we believe that everyone is a reader, illustrator and author.


Welcome to Robins class! We are a class of 17 and put the T in teamwork. This year we are following an enquiry-based learning curriculum. We are so lucky to have lots of opportunities for learning all around the classroom. We use learning superpowers to support our own learning alongside with the fantastic activities and challenges set each week by Miss Davies. These challenges support us to ask questions, find answers and use our ‘know more, remember more approach’ to our learning.

Just like our class name ‘Robins’ we have a peaceful and calm nature inside our classroom, we work together, show enthusiasm like ‘Eddie’ and support each other in times of need. We use our school values to guide us in respecting our friends, teachers and visitors and show how proud we are to be part of Upper Arley.

In Robins we are passionate about sport and P.E, we are privileged to have so many opportunities to succeed and take part in a wide range of sports, competitions and opportunities to try new things. This year we will have many opportunities to represent Upper Arley and bring a sense of teamwork and sportsmanship to the Robins classroom.  


Through our topic sessions we become experts of that field, activating and developing knowledge to become athletes, historians, geographers, scientists, artists and writers. We then use our knowledge across all subjects which helps to link the learning so we can use it in our daily lives.   

This is me: We are launching into September with the topic focusing on our worries and feelings navigating these through our class authors Anthony Browne and Jill Murphy. We will also be looking at effective learning behaviours by using silent signals, wonderful walking, and showing we are ready to learn. 

My place, my time: We will be studying our local area and creating various maps to support our learning. We will study London in more detail and compare with our local hometown whilst consolidating our knowledge of seasons and weather patterns.  

Around the world: We shall be returning to our geography of our local area and capital city whilst comparing it to our non-European country of Jamaica. We will explore similarities and differences between the UK and Jamaica.  

Those who came before us: A historical focus. Jumping back in time to our capital city London. We will be learning all about the Great fire of London. We will look at where it started, how it started, spread and how it was extinguished. We will also look at lessons that were learnt from this and objects that have been used as clues to piece together events in the past.   

Maths: In Maths, we use a I do, we do, you do approach. We are given opportunities to observe, have a go and then independently practice a new concept or skill! In Robins we understand the importance of using concrete resources to support our thinking and give us confidence when it comes to more abstract concepts! We can explain our thinking through reasoning and a talk out loud approach where we can use mathematical language to express our thinking! In maths our learning superpower is being a Resilient Robbie. 

English: For English we use a range of carefully selected texts to support us in recognising a range of different writing styles. In this we learn how to write for purposes, such as narratives, diary entries, recounts and many more. We are using a ‘Talk for Write’ model of writing within our classroom to help us with our understanding and remembering of a text. We learn basic structures of how to write for different purposes and create toolkits with the skills we need to support in each piece of writing.  

Chrisitan distinctiveness: In Robins class we are always mindful of our school vision and use our school values to guide our thinking and learning throughout everything we do. At the end of each day, we reflect on how we have shown our value of the week. It is important that we follow our values to support us to become the best versions of ourselves and thrive every day.  

PE and Forest School: Please ensure Forest School kits, including a waterproof coat and wellington boots, are in school each week ready for your child to use. PE kits should be kept in school and returned home at the end of each half term. 

Home reading: This year, we will be opening the ‘Starbooks’ reading café, where the children will be reading books matched to their phonics level. They will also be able to choose a book of there choice to read for pleasure and to enjoy at home with parents and carers. The expectation is that children read at home daily, ideally supported by an adult to help them to secure their developing phonic knowledge and encourage the ‘love for reading’ we strive for.


Growth mind set is important to us in Robins and at our school. We believe that it is our attitudes and resilience that helps us to be great and that with hard work and determination we can achieve our goals. We have a value that we aim to demonstrate throughout the week and will reflect at the end of the day to show how we have shown that value throughout the day. We also say our school prayer each morning and afternoon to highlight the importance of everyday being new and open for opportunities for new learning and lessons. 


What do you like about Robins? 

Here is what they said about us…   

‘I love my new classroom! It makes me feel calm!’ 

‘I have shown forgiveness today by saying “it is okay, I forgive you.” 

‘I love maths!” 

‘I cannot wait to read and fill my loyalty card!’  

Want to see what we are learning this summer? Download the file below and have a read!