Meet our Teachers!

Welcome to Year 6 – our teachers are Mrs Low and Miss Jones and we are supported by Mrs Carrette and Mrs Wood. We are so excited for this year and ready to be excellent role models to the rest of the school. 

In Year 6, learning is layered through developing a range of skills including questioning, exploring, experimenting, reasoning, explaining and reflecting.  

Through our topic sessions we become experts of that field by activating and developing skills to become athletes, historians, geographers, scientists, artist, writers and lots more. We then use our skills across all subjects, which helps us to link the learning so we can use it in our daily lives.  

Our Main Themes for the year are: 

This is me: We are launching into September with the topic focusing on us; our identify, feelings and place in the world. W e will also be looking at effective learning behaviour using our fantastic ‘Learning Superheroes,’ (Enthusiastic Eddie, Collaborative Cleo, Curious Casey, Resilient Robbie and Risk-taker Roser). During this term, we have ‘Forest School,’ where we have the opportunities to show all of these ‘Learning Superpowers.’ 

Around the World: A Geographical focus where we are recapping our key locational knowledge around the world; identifying the key human and physical features of different biomes from around the world; and, also, looking how the climate has changed in these biomes over time alongside the effects of tourism and deforestation. 

Those who came before us: We will be going back in time to World War II. We will be finding out about the impact that this period of time has on us today; we will look at how the war started, the Battle of Britain, D-Day, the Home Guard and much, much more! 


In Maths, we get to learn through concrete resources, which we can use to support and show our understanding. We also use pictures and visual representations to help move between concrete models to pictorial examples. Once we demonstrate our understanding, we are then able to apply this new understanding to use more abstract, written methods to show our answer. Through this approach children are able to layer their knowledge and demonstrate a deeper and more secure understanding.  

We also believe our times tables facts are the key to unlocking our learning! Securing written methods are also incredibly important in Year 6.  


For English, we use a range of high-quality narrative or visual stimulus to expose us to rich vocabulary as well as to inspire and excite us to write. As well as the narrative driver, a comprehensive WAGOLL is used alongside; these support the children’s’ progression through their learning. We find this structure helpful and we love the books we get to explore. Children are supported through repetition and build on knowledge as we journey through our learning sequences. Throughout the year, we will have the opportunity to write for different purposes and audiences – thinking about the formality in which we write.  


We love reading in Year 6 and every day we read for pleasure – whether it is reading independently, in pairs or as a whole class. We always look forward to DEAR time at the end of the day where our teacher shares a story with us or we have the opportunity to read our book independently.  

In Reading, we will learn how to extract key information from a range of exciting fiction and non-fiction texts. Each lesson, we use a range of ‘Expert Tips’ to help us answer comprehension-based questions and ‘step into the shoes’ of the character’s we meet through hot seating. Here are the ‘Expert Tips’ we use:  

PE and Forest School: Please ensure Forest School kits, including a waterproof coat and wellington boots, are in school each week ready for your child to use. PE kits should be kept in school and returned home at the end of each half term. 

Useful links:

Times Tables Rock Stars (

Accelerated Reader

Want to see what we are learning this summer? Download the file below and have a read!