Welcome to the Governors’ section


Upper Arley C of E Primary School is part of the Black Pear Trust, a Multi Academy Trust based in Worcestershire.  The Black Pear Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees, who are the accountable body for the Trust.  Each of its schools has its own Local Governing Body, and a clearly defined scheme of delegation operates between the Board of Trustees and Local Governing Bodies. 

Our Local Governing Body plays an important role in supporting the Board of Trustees and providing key elements of local governance for schools. 

They are responsible for: 

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school   
  • Holding leaders to account for academic performance, attendance, behaviour and safeguarding procedures in their school 
  • Overseeing stakeholder engagement; pupils, parents, local community, school staff  
  • Oversee recruitment of all staff except Head Teachers, teaching staff on Leadership Scale and Support Staff on Grade 6 or above 

The Local Governing Body identifies lead governors with a specific remit and oversight for Safeguarding, the progress of disadvantaged pupils and the provision of students with special education needs or disabilities. 

The Local Governing Body meets six times each academic year, and governors also attend events and visit the school between meetings to enable them to develop a clear picture of the quality of provision across the school. 

Our Local Governing Body: 

AppointmentNameRoleTerm end
Head (1)Louise Low  Headteacher Ex officio  
Co-Opted (5)Freda Griffith  Chair  May 2025  
Lynne Morgan  SEND link  May 2025  
Julie Greenwood  Safeguarding link  May 2025  
Louvain Beer  May 2025  
Paul Fearns  October 2026  
Staff (1)Samina Ahmed-Khan   Staff Governor October 2026  
Parents (2)Helen Grainger   Parent Governor May 2025  
Charlotte Beaman-Evans Parent Governor October 2028

Freda Griffith is Chair of Governors and can be contacted via the Governance Professional, Cheryll Lawrence: clawrence@blackpeartrust.org.

To contact our governor(s), please directly contact the school office and they shall set up correspondence, or please note the contact details below: 

Contact details: 

Upper Arley CE Primary School 

Upper Arley 



DY12 1XA 

Telephone: 01299 861260 

Email: office@upperarleycofeschool.org 

Financial Information

There are no staff members earning a gross salary of above £100,000 and therefore no requirement to publish this information.

Formal Documents

UAS Governor Attendance 2023-24

UAS Governor Declarations of Interest 2024-25

Black Pear Trust – Trust Board Attendance 2023-24

Black Pear Trust – Finance, Risk & Resources Committee Attendance 2023-24

Black Pear Trust – Trust Board Declarations of Interest 2024-25