Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Upper Arley C of E Primary School
The Children and Families Act of 2014 and the subsequent SEND Code of Practice of 2015, brought about changes to the way in which support is provided to children and young people in England with Special Educational Needs.
At Upper Arley C of E Primary School we work hard to help remove barriers to learning and to support all of our children fully through each stage of their learning journey.
Inclusion is a process that entitles all learners
- to a broad, relevant and stimulating curriculum,
- to an environment that will have the greatest impact on their learning and development
- to be able to learn, play and develop together
Every learning environment should meet the needs of learners, families and communities and have access to effective and efficient use of resources to enable this to happen.
At Upper Arley, we provide for the individual needs of all our children. Pupils with special educational needs are supported in a variety of ways; through differentiated lessons, enhanced classroom support, interventions and advice from outside agencies (e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Learning Support Team, etc.). Wherever possible, interventions take place within the classroom allowing pupils to access a broad and balanced curriculum and develop their strengths and interests.
We hope that you find the information contained within these pages useful and informative. Please read our ‘School Information Report/ SEN offer’ to find out more detailed information about the support we offer at Upper Arley.
Worcestershire County Council SEND local Offer
To discover more information about what is available for your child and your family within Worcestershire, please visit https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/sendlocaloffer
Government information regarding SEND