School Information

Headteacher Resignation

Headteacher and the BPT

Keeping safe during the easter holiday

Keeping everyone safe during the Easter holidays 2021

Academy conversion 1 April 2021

WF Wellbeing Easter Newsletter

music tuition

Family Self-Isolation Guide Jan 2021

General Self-Isolation Guide Jan 2021

LFD testing for households March 2021 FINAL

March Newsletter

Newsletter end Feb 21

Return to School ON 8th March 2021

C19 March Letter to parents

Letter for parent carers 28.01.2021 latest symptoms

C19 January Letter to parents

Staffing Update Nov 2020

Christmas 2020

Afterschool football club


Macmillan coffee morning

C19 September Letter 1 to parents

After school multiskills UKS2 2020-2021

After school multiskills 2020-2021 (002)

Return to School

Newsletter September 2020

Forest School

School Term and Holiday Dates 2020-21

Year 6 SRE

Happy Hares registration letter

HH Booking Form SEPTEMBER 2020

Wider opening update letter

Returning to School for year R, 1 and 6

Letter to parents Friday 29

return to school letter for parents

Coronavirus in-school learning

parent gov letter 1

Covid-19 parent letter 9

End of term update

Covid letter No 6

WHP Link Worker School Poster ST March 2020

Coronovirus letter March 5 20 (002)

Coronavirus letter March 20 4

Coronavirus letter March 20 3

Coronavirus update letter

Mothering Sunday 22 03 2020

Owls trip to ThinkTank

Parent workshop

PTA informal meeting 25.2.2020

Quasimodo production


Owls open day for outdoor area

Bishops Wood Swifts

Drama lessons

After school clubs from February 2020

Falcons trip to Blakesley Hall

Milk order form 2nd half of Spring term 2020

Maths Workshop for Parents 10-2-20

Forest School Introduction letter

staffing update jan 2020 owls

STEM Stars afterschool club Spring term 1

Swimming – Spring Term 2020 yr 3 and 4

Christmas feasting

Christmas play letter + ticket application

Bewdley Round Table Santa Sleigh

Survey Letter_fitFENCE After School Club

Staffing structure for January 2020

Fiction Books Appeal

STEM Stars afterschool club

Christmas update for Owls


Christmas fair details

staffing update

Arley Studios Art Workshop

Letters sent home


Free School Meals


Relationships and Health Education information Evening 24 October 2019

Visiting Athlete and Sponsorship

Young voices 2019

Parent Pop in letter Owls Class

parent gov letter 1

MacMillan Coffee Morning.doc

Bikeability letter to parents 21 oct 2019

Harvest Festival

Parent Pop in letter

Please see below a link for all of our recent letters sent home:


FSM Jan 15.1.21

A parental guide to Teams

Acceptable Use Agreement – remote learning

Pupil Remote Learning Information and Wellbeing Handout

Access in Remote Learning letter jan 2020

Parent expectations Y1-6

Parent expectations Year R

Home Learning offer

Free school Meal during January 21 closure

Covid 19 Letter Key Workers Jan

January reopening

Free school Meal during January 21 closure

Parent expectations Year R (2)

Parent expectations Y1-6



17/07/20 September Arrangements 2020

Upper Arley Primary School Squid information

Squid letter – to Parents

September Arrangements 2020

04/09/20 Letter Home

04/09/20 Milk letter Autumn 20

approved term dates 2020-21

Talking about online safety

TikTok factsheet for parents

Braiswick photo letter

Covid 19 Information from NHS

Autumn Winter 20 021120 to 181220

September 2020 Newsletter 3

September 2020 Newsletter 4

School Illness Flowchart REVISED

Children in Need Letter

Christmas Card competition

Coronavirus Reports During Christmas Break Letter