Recovery Curriculum and Remote Learning at Upper Arley C of E Primary School

At Upper Arley, we believe that all children deserve an aspirational curriculum that balances the needs of children and responds to global events. Along with providing an emotionally safe environment in which children can recover in order to learn, we continually adapt our curriculum to provide enriching experiences. These link with our core Christian values and ethos.

Recognising that long periods of time out, away from a familiar school setting impacts the children both emotionally and academically. We have therefore adapted our provision and environment to support children to engage with learning, whether it be at home or at school, with or without parental support. This involves adjusting approaches to teaching and learning as well as supporting the mental health and well-being needs of the pupils and families. Our curriculum develops competent and confident learners through the teaching of basic skills, key competencies, fluency and mastery. No matter whether the children are learning at school or at home, our approaches enable us to consistently identify gaps and provide learning opportunities that promote progress.

Our strong relationships with families continue to develop by staying connected, helping us to understand when barriers appear and support is required for learning to continue uninterrupted. For those families who have limited, or no resources for online learning, support will be offered through daily access to school bubble or a school device loaned for home use.

Throughout the coming terms, there may be times where children need to work from home, either online or using paper based packs. Where possible we are fulfilling our existing, planned curriculum however, some elements of practical subjects (such as some Science, DT and Art) may not be possible when children are engaging through remote learning. Sessions amount to 3 hours a day for Key Stage 1 and 4 hours for Key Stage 2. The table below shows our approaches based on the four possible scenarios.

School closed due to national school closure or Worcestershire closure
(decision made by government or Public Health)
Self-isolation of one or more bubbles due to confirmed cases
(decision made by Public Health)
ndividual pupils self-isolating due to COVID-19 symptoms and awaiting test results
(decision made by parents/ school)
Individual teacher self-isolating due to family member with COVID-19 symptoms and awaiting test results
(decision made by teacher/school)
School situation-School closed to all but essential workers and vulnerable children-School closed to the bubble/s including essential worker and vulnerable children-Remote and paper based learning for individuals in any bubble at any time-In school learning for children supervised by supporting adults
Approaches to teaching-Remote learning via online platform – (Showbie for KS2 Seesaw KS1)
-Daily lessons that follow school timetable and scheduled curriculum plan, these may include
voice over lessons, pre-recorded content, weblinks, quizzes and tasks.
-Tasks are completed online or uploaded to the platform.
-Specialist teachers provide curriculum content for children to access.
-Interventions delivered by zoom.
-pupils encouraged to access TT rockstars, Big Cat reading, Rapid Read, Ninja Maths, Spelling Shed to consistently support the development of basic skills.
-Daily reading (EYFS/KS1 Big Cat Collins online, Showbie Bookshelf, school YouTube channel stories)
-Unaffected bubbles remain on school site and continue blended learning approach
-Closed bubble/s to continue to work online, where possible. Where access remains a problem, children to use their paper-based packs for duration.
-pupils encouraged to access TT rockstars, Big Cat reading, Rapid Read, Ninja Maths, Spelling Shed to consistently support the development of basic skills.
-Daily reading (EYFS/KS1 Big Cat Collins online, Showbie Bookshelf, school YouTube channel stories)
-Daily lesson planning/ resources have been sent home in advance for core concepts and basic skills for the relevant year group. This is contained in a ‘Home Learning pack for self isolation’ for 20 days.
-Families use for each day of absence and parents monitor usage of pack
-pupils encouraged to access TT rockstars, Big Cat reading, Rapid Read, Ninja Maths, Spelling Shed to consistently support the development of basic skills. Regular online activities, when shared by class teacher.
-Daily reading (EYFS/KS1 Big Cat Collins online, Showbie Bookshelf, school YouTube channel stories)
-Teacher to record and resource lessons from home whilst class supervised by supporting adult
-If teacher is ill, curriculum planning to be implemented by familiar school staff through the use of paper-based pack. Pupils will also access online sites such as:
TT rockstars, Big Cat reading, Rapid Read, Ninja Maths, Spelling Shedv to consistently support the development of basic skills.
-Daily reading (EYFS/KS1 Big Cat Collins online, Showbie Bookshelf, school YouTube channel stories)
Assessment and feedbackAssessment and feedback to children will be via the online platforms, with a particular focus on the core subjects. Teachers will provide feedback within a reasonable timeframe, 24 hours.
The children are encouraged to respond to comments and feedback, where appropriate.
All assessment feeds into future curriculum planning.
Work pieces completed by pupils is stored in their e-portfolio (KS2) for future reference.
Weekly phone calls update parents on pupil engagement and quality of work.
Assessment and feedback to children will be via the online platforms, with a particular focus on the core subjects. Teachers will provide feedback within a reasonable timeframe, 24 hours.
The children are encouraged to respond to comments and feedback, where appropriate.
All assessment feeds into future curriculum planning.
Work pieces completed by pupils is stored in their e-portfolio (KS2) for future reference.
Weekly phone calls update parents on pupil engagement and quality of work.
Feedback will be given to the child at least once a week, if a photo of their work is uploaded to the platform.Assessment and feedback to children will be via the online platforms, with a particular focus on the core subjects. Teachers will provide feedback within a reasonable timeframe, 24 hours.
The children are encouraged to respond to comments and feedback, where appropriate.
All assessment feeds into future curriculum planning.
Work pieces completed by pupils is stored in their e-portfolio (KS2) for future reference.
If teacher is unwell, as much of this will be completed by the supporting adult.
Additional Support for pupils with particular needsPupils who require additional support to meet IPM targets, will receive this through 1-2-1 online sessions, where possible, with a familiar adult, via zoom.
SENCo will communicate regularly with families who have a child with an EHCP.
Where necessary, tasks are differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils.
Those pupils with speech and language targets will receive support directly from named therapist (whether in school or at home).
Face-to-face contact will be enabled for children who require support emotionally.
Various tools are available on the learning platforms to enable children to choose how they can respond (for examples, voice recording, camera function etc).
As below, depending of staff availability. EHCPs may be prioritised:
Pupils who require additional support to meet IPM targets, will receive this through 1-2-1 online sessions, where possible, with a familiar adult, via zoom.
SENCo will communicate regularly with families who have a child with an EHCP.
Where necessary, tasks are differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils.
Those pupils with speech and language targets will receive support directly from named therapist (whether in school or at home).
Face-to-face contact will be enabled for children who require support emotionally.
Various tools are available on the learning platforms to enable children to choose how they can respond (for examples, voice recording, camera function etc).
Pupils who require additional support to meet IPM targets, will receive this through 1-2-1 online sessions, where possible, with a familiar adult, via zoom.
SENCo will communicate regularly with families who have a child with an EHCP.
Where necessary, tasks are differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils.
Those pupils with speech and language targets will receive support directly from named therapist (whether in school or at home).
Face-to-face contact will be enabled for children who require support emotionally.
Various tools are available on the learning platforms to enable children to choose how they can respond (for examples, voice recording, camera function etc).
As below, depending of staff availability. EHCPs may be prioritised:
Pupils who require additional support to meet IPM targets, will receive this through 1-2-1 online sessions, where possible, with a familiar adult, via zoom.
SENCo will communicate regularly with families who have a child with an EHCP.
Where necessary, tasks are differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils.
Those pupils with speech and language targets will receive support directly from named therapist (whether in school or at home).
Face-to-face contact will be enabled for children who require support emotionally.
Various tools are available on the learning platforms to enable children to choose how they can respond (for examples, voice recording, camera function etc).
Communication-through online platform between 9am-3pm for support from teachers (who are working from home that day) and to return set work at the teacher’s request within timeframe.
-Teacher’s make contact with parent and child at least weekly.
Bubble closed:
-Where possible, online platform between 9am-3pm for support from teachers and to return set work at the teacher’s request within timeframe.
-Families to be contacted weekly by a school member of staff.
-Work returned to online platform daily, where possible.
-Teacher’s make contact with parent and child at least weekly.
-Families contacted weekly by a school member of staff.
-Where possible, online platform between 9am-3pm for support from teachers and to return set work at the teacher’s request within timeframe.

Whole School Communication

Whole school communication via School Ping app, Website and Headteacher Newsletters.

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Policy Oct 2020 final