At our school we fully embrace the British Values of democracy, rule of law, liberty, mutual respect and tolerance and throughout our Collective Worship and the wider curriculum ensure that we support the children’s understanding of this important aspect of British Life.
The table below exemplifies some of the experiences and opportunities that support our work on British values.
- School Council
- Curriculum work during PSHE, History
- Whole school events, such as developing awareness of general elections, equality law
Rule of Law
- Behaviour and relationships policy
- Class routines and rules
- Curriculum PSHE
- Collective Worship
- Curriculum work during History, English
Respect and tolerance
- Behaviour and relationships policy
- School vision, values and ethos
- Whole school events and Collective Worship
Our work on social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is a ‘golden thread’ across the curriculum and supports the British Values education at the school. Through the opportunities and experiences below, we enrich the curriculum at the school.
- Behaviour and relationship policy
- Playtimes
- Forest School
- Continuous Provision across Reception/ KS1
- School events where children present and perform
- Behaviour and relationship policy
- Playtimes
- Collective Worship based on 12 Christian Values
- Forest School
- Collective Values based on 12 Christian Values
- Visits to the Church
- Arts events, such as artist in residence
- Arts events, such as artist in residence
- Music teaching and peripatetic lessons
- Choir
- Sporting Events
- Forest School
- Whole School Performance
- Educational Visits