Meet our Teachers!

We love reading and being read to in Owls! We can different genres of books and let our imaginations transport us to faraway places to meet interesting and unusual characters.
Our key author this year is: Julia Donaldson

Welcome to Owls class! We will be working together to learn about ourselves, our environment and local area and how to develop positive relationships. We have lots of exciting things planned to help us develop our curiosity, resilience, collaboration and enthusiasm.
Our children are learning to become more resilient and independent learners. They develop their communication and collaborative skills through guidance that fosters a Growth Mindset. We want our children to face new challenges by drawing on what they know and how they have learned to work with others to find a solution to their questions. Throughout the year, Owls will develop their understanding and knowledge by exploring and discussing themes that are significant to them. This helps our children to develop their thinking about the wider world as artists, scientists, historians, mathematicians, explorers, and authors.
What’s special about me? During Autumn Term will focus on areas that matter most to our children including their milestones, family, and pets. We will revisit this learning throughout the year to build on the children’s knowledge and understanding of themselves, their communities, relationships and the wider world including animals.
This is me: The children will explore what is most important to themselves. They will learn to recognise and name emotions. This is important so that our children can express themselves and feel confident in listening and sharing their views and ideas.
What is special about Autumn? We will be studying our local area and developing our knowledge of seasons and weather.
What is in my world?
We will be thinking about our local area. We will explore similarities and differences between different places.
How is my world changing?
We will be learning all about the changes that have occurred in our lifetime and withing living memory.
What’s at the bottom of my garden?
We will be exploring living things and thinking about their features.
What’s special about Summer?
We will be thinking about the changes we have observed in our environment and how we keep safe in different weather.
Artists to inspire our creativity! We are looking forward to exploring the art and learning how to use creative skills like artists from around the world. We will be drawing like Pablo Picasso, painting like Jackson Pollock and later like William Turner, printing inspired by African textiles, creating collage like Robert Bradford and sculpting like Louise Bourgeois.
Music and movement. We will be exploring sounds and learning to express ourselves through movement matched to music. We will be developing our expertise in selecting sounds to accompany our storytelling.
Maths: Maths is all around us! The children in Owls explore the world around them and through guided activities learn to describe and explain their environment. It is very important that children are able to explore mathematical experiences so that they can use this ‘hands-on’ learning to solve problems using their number sense and understanding of shape and space. Our children learn to think like mathematicians by investigating and asking questions, being guided in their learning, and developing independence and a curiosity and wonder approach!
Talk 4 Write: We use ‘Talk for Write’ to help our children to understand, remembering and learn about different types of text. Once the children know our story or text well, we can use the structure of the text, the special vocabulary, story language and skills we have learned to adapt the text. We can talk about the text so we can create our own new version. In this way, children learn how to become authors, developing their imagination and choosing what they enjoy about a range and bank of texts to create their own.
Christian distinctiveness: The children in Owls engage and reflect on our school vision in all that we do. We discuss and use our school values to guide us in our actions and to help us to challenge ourselves in our learning. Each week you can see how we have shown our value of the week through our Dojo points. Please share any photos and comments about or from your child to let us know how the values we are reflecting on in school are shown and shared when you are at home or out and about.
PE and Forest School: Please ensure Forest School kits, including a waterproof coat and wellington boots, are in school each week ready for your child to use. PE kits should be kept in school and returned home at the end of each half term.
Reading Challenge!
We love to listen and join in with rhymes and stories. This might be time together to chat about the pictures, information and stories, being read to or retelling a familiar story in your child’s own words. Each week, the children in Owls will bring home a book to share and some reading matched to their phonics level. It is very important that your child sees you reading for pleasure and shares time exploring a book of rhymes, information, pictures, or stories with you. Please share your favourite stories with your child at a time that you will enjoy, perhaps at bedtime or before school. Then record this with a smile or comment in your child’s reading diary.
Some of our favourite books are…
Want to see what we are learning this summer? Download the file below and have a read!